D.I.Y / Handyman Range
The D.I.Y. market has been vibrant in developed countries for many years. The basis for this market is a combination of the high labour costs of trades people & increasing skills of the handyman. In many cases, the cost of bringing outside skills to the home is prohibitive, so as a matter of necessity the handyman seeks to acquire the skills himself, in a world where knowledge & instruction is so abundantly available.
In developing countries such as Malaysia, the D.I.Y market is in it’s infancy but it is evolving in exactly the same way as it did in the west many years back.
Specialised hardware outlets are now a major growth industry in developing countries. Hardware “Super Markets ” are popping up everywhere.
How Do They Work
The hardware outlet is set up in the same way as a supermarket.
The products are displayed in the merchandising stands, with clear pricing.
The shopper (handyman) selects the products required for that project or repair job & takes them to the check out. The scanner at the check out reads the bar-code on every item & produces a bill which the shopper then pays by cash or credit card.
The handyman has a ready made facility, where he can buy all he requires under one roof, along with hand & power tools.
SDM is a major supplier to the D.I.Y. outlets for a large range of timber based products. By specialising in small mouldings & dowels, SDM ensures that quality products are available at the point of sale giving the handyman the least amount of hassle and the greatest choice.
Packing & Distribution
The SDM profiles (see brochure below) are packed into bundles of from 50pcs per bundle to 10 or even 5 in the case of large dowels up to 38 or 45mm. The smaller the size, the greater the number of pieces in the bundle. Every piece in every bundle is bar-coded for fast and accurate billing at point of sale.
Locally all bundles are plastic wrapped in order to ensure damage free delivery from the wholesale store to the retailer.